Moment Johnson

She enjoys the peaceful calm of rocks and exposing their hidden secrets that lie within. She is also a self-published author and maker of high functioning, multi-pocketed pants. A connoisseur of natural landscapes, rock formations, and interactive “paintings” sprouted up from the depths of the earth.

Her Author Bio

Moment Johnson grew up outside of Washington D.C., in Northern Virginia, but the bustle of the metropolis wasn’t her scene so she fled to more serene areas. Landing in Georgia, she found solace among palm fronds and swooping vines. Out in Utah, she discovered comfort in the silence within towering spires. Today in West Virginia, she welcomes peace basking in the abundant waterfalls. It’s hard to think of any one region as home when so many different areas hold a place in her heart. This love of nature’s diversity inspires her to explore whenever she can. Through writing, illustration, and photography Moment hopes to share her love of traveling with others.

Currently, Moment has penned eleven titles to date. One adult travel novel, “Blessed,” is a personal account of her seven-month adventure in Belize. With no real purpose or plan, Moment set out to discover a different way of life. Opportunities appeared at every corner, and what seemed like a setback at first truly became a blessing in disguise. Her journey led to spending seven weeks in solitude on forty acres in the Belize rainforest, secluded among natural springs, chattering monkeys, and various palms trees.

Moment’s primary literary focus has been writing children’s books. With ten titles available, she covers a variety of subjects. The books “From Ute to Utah” and “A Hat Flies over Wyoming” continue with the traveling theme and contain vibrant mixed-media illustrations creating a dreamlike, imaginative world. These unique books take readers on colorful adventures through the wild rock formations found in these states. “Ancient Giants of the Black Hills” and “The Earth Keeps Spinning, but Never Gets Dizzy” fall into an almost ethereal account of timeless wisdom. All of her titles will leave you amused and thinking about things from a different perspective.

Aside from writing, Moment has been a child care provider for the past 19 years. It was caring for these kids that inspired her to begin writing children’s books. She believes seeing the world through a child’s eyes helps keep life fresh and imagination alive.

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